Brochure de présentation

15 Vitamins & vital substances Support for the body Currently, about 45 essential vital substances are known; they can be classified into the subgroups of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids. In the overall metabolism vital substances play an indispensable role in the body's defences, as building blocks for enzymes and for healthy nervous and muscle function. Despite their significance, many of them are only required by the body in very small quantities. Since the body cannot itself produce vitamins (except for vitamin D), they must regularly be introduced in nutrition. This also holds for the large group of minerals and trace elements. As electrolytes they regulate our water balance, support the nerve cells and are contained in bones, teeth and blood. Neither the regula- tion of the hormone balance nor the utilisation of nutrients would be possible without vitamins and minerals. Sanatura vitamins and vital substances are characterised by their carefully coordinated combinations, balanced doses and good bioavailability. They can be especially helpful during phases of increased demand, namely when the supply of vitamins, minerals, trace elements, etc. from nutrition is inadequate. Also one-sided forms of nutrition – often triggered by certain intolerance reactions to food or special age-related changes – makes supplementing nutrition with important vital sub- stances appear to be a worthwhile undertaking for many. In this case Sanatura products offer well-tolerated solutions that are based on generally recognized required amounts and in the majority of cases do not require any technical additives. Sanatura products consist exclusively of carefully selected quality raw materials, e.g., acerola cherries. What your body needs – Vitamins and more