
19 its good and natural effect and today is one of the best known reform house products. In the many decades before this, our fruit cubes were one of the most asked for prod- ucts to help promote digestion. And also our various fibre specialities and the fibre-rich Natura foods always have had much to do with intestinal health. A topic that tradi- tionally finds its proper place in the reform house. Thorsten Gooß It is certainly a result of the book “Darm mit Charme” (Charming Intestines) by Gulia Enders that we today have a greater sensibility for the diverse functions and interactions that the intestinal flora has with the entire body. However, this knowledge is actually not new, but has been self-evident within the reform move- ment for a long time. As part of our holistic understanding of the natural support of the body, the topic of intestinal flora has been a traditional and very important one for a long time. You repeatedly emphasize tradition when you talk about the brand Sanatura. That sounds antiquated. Thorsten Gooß (laughs) Yes, that may be so! Our company Natura has 100-year-long tradition; this also means: 100 years of expe- rience, 100 years of passed on competency, 100 years of commitment to vegetarian and vegan foods and natural nutritional supple- ments. Natura founder, Georg Hiller, sold vegetarian soups, nut bars and agar agar already in the 1920s. Does that still sound dusty? Stefan Cohrs It is absolutely amazing. The foundations of the reform movement, which at the beginning of the twentieth century were intended to find new answers to living in an industrial society, are today more relevant than ever. Nearness to nature, healthy nutrition, sports/exercise (at that time called physical training) are today in our information-based society as important as they were 100 years ago. At that time these ideas were considered to be radical, but also today they have lost nothing of their innovative power. It is possible to say: we are innovative due to tradition! Thorsten Gooß ... which once again brings us to our proven intestinal flora product line. For us this is not a matter of fashion, but for many years an important contribution to sustainably promoting health and well-being in a natural way. Natura Co-founder Georg Hiller